Healthcare management professional with 6 years of experience in facility
oversight looking to take next step in career progression. Past roles have helped build experience in healthcare regulatory compliance, clinical processes and public relations, as well as employee and resource management. Have excelled in every prior position, producing results and growth that have exceeded expectations. Understand the role of a healthcare facility in a community, and have experience working with civic leaders in public wellness initiatives.
.Worked as a focal person to Punjab Healthcare Commission and assisted in implementation of MSDS (minimum service delivery standards) in healthcare facility.
-Rotated between departments of Medicine, Surgery and Pediatric medicine.
-worked in emergency department
-Assisted in surgical procedures involving high trauma patients.
Assisted and learned procedures such as endotracheal intubation, lumbar puncture and exchange transfusion, blood transfusion.
-Attended casualty and outpatient departments, involved in outdoor and indoor patients management.
-Well versed in MS Office applications such as MS WORD, POWER POINT and EXCEL.
-Medical student volunteer at punjab medical college, Faisalabad and gave health talks on major public health problems.
-Member of friends of HUDSON PARK- volunteer in helping to enhance and preserve HUDSON RIVER PARK, NEW York.