As an Ex-FIFA and AFC Elite Football Referee, Officiated high-profile matches globally, representing Pakistan in 24 countries across over 70 international assignments. Currently serving as Manager Referees at the Pakistan Football Federation and Project Head of the FIFA World Cup 2026 Qualifiers as a Local General Coordinator, brought a wealth of experience in officiating and event management. Certified as a FIFA MA Referees Instructor and Assessor, mentor ed and assessed referees to uphold international standards. My leadership extends to training programs that nurture young talent, fostering technical excellence, and ensuring a robust future for refereeing. With extensive experience in diverse footballing environments, committed to professionalism, fair play, and advancing football in Pakistan. My contributions continue to enhance the credibility of refereeing and event coordination on both national and international platforms.
Football Referee Instructor and Observer
MS Office
Event Management
Teamwork and collaboration
Supervision and leadership
AFC ELITE Referees Seminar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
FIFA Regional Referees Instructor Course, Dubai
FIFA FUTURU lll Referees Instructors Seminar, South Korea
FIFA FUTURU lll Referees Instructors (online),
FIFA FUTURU lll Referees Instructors, South Korea
AFC ELITE Referees Seminar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
AFC ELITE Referees Seminar, Dubai
AFC ELITE Referees Seminar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
AFC ELITE Referees Seminar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
AFC ELITE Referees Seminar, , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
AFC ELITE Referees Seminar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
AFC ELITE Referees Seminar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia